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MotorVac 500-4006P: Dieseltune 4000

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SKU: 500-4006P
Service Type: DEF


MotorVac DieselTune Complete Diesel System Service


Part No. 500-4006P


  • Profitable Shop Service That Cleans Carbon From a Diesel Engine in Less Than An Hour
  • Greatly Reduces Turbo Lag and Restores Peak Pressure
  • Increases HP and Torque Throughout the RPM Range to Improve Fuel Leakage
  • Removes Carbon from the Combustion Chamber to Increase Injector and Glow Plug Life
  • Cleans Injector Pumps by Dissolving Harmful Deposits to Slowly Extend the Life of the Pump
  • System Will Service Cars or Trucks Up to 750 HP


 Excellent return on investment. One service per day will pay for the machine in a few months!

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