Smoke Machines

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    MotorVac 500-0100: Coolsmoke Evap Leak Det Sys

     MotorVac 500-0100: CoolSmoke EVAP Smoke Machine_x005F_x000D_  _x005F_x000D_ SKU: 500-0100_x005F_x000D_  _x005F_x000D_ The next generation of EVAP Leak Detection_x005F_x000D_ The patented Cool Smoke' process does not use a heat source to generate...
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    MotorVac 500-0150: Coolsmoke HP Leak Det Sys

    MotorVac 500-0150: CoolSmoke HP w/ Turbo Kit_x005F_x000D_  _x005F_x000D_ Part No. 500-0150_x005F_x000D_ The Cool Smoke® HP is the next generation of diagnostic leak detection for forced induction gasoline and diesel engines. The Cool Smoke® HP delivers...